What have you been up to in the kitchen?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The end to Butter Misery

LONDON (Reuters) - Ever get frustrated with fresh-out-of the-fridge butter that is too hard to spread?

A UK-based company has launched a portable, temperature-controlled butter dish, ButterWizard, which keeps butter at what it says is the optimal spreadable temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

It has a built-in fan and a chip which together control the temperature, adjustable for different textures, be it super-soft bread, crusty toast or delicate biscuits. "We were trying to find out what people's frustration with butter was. It's either too hard or too soft," said David Alfille, managing director of East Sussex-based company Alfille Innovations Limited.

"ButterWizard heats or cools the butter and you can adjust the temperature to suit yourself."

Nutritionist Fiona Hunter said: "There are over 16 million UK households buying butter on a regular basis, but one complaint I hear time after time is the lack of spreadability of real butter."

"Butter has been part of diet for thousands of years. The important thing is to spread butter thinly," she added.


Marina said...

I was just lamenting my butter situation this morning! In the fridge, it gets hard as a rock. But in the dish on the counter, it achieves the consistancy of the senator in X-men as he is about to turn into water. No bueno.

Allison said...

bless the brits for solving such a difficult problem...i hate having nice fresh-toasted english muffins torn apart by my efforts to spread butter in all of the crumbly nooks and crannies...

on a related note, what is everyone's favorite butter alternative, since it's so bad for us? i've been trying this safflower spread that claims to be uber-healthy, but the flavor is lacking.

Marina said...


Schmolzanderson said...

NO kidding. I decided that I will eat butter, in small quanities, because it's so good. Margarine was supposed to be healthy when I was a kid, now it's not. BUTTER!!

Marina said...

Now, granted, like everything, we must preach moderation. I catch any of you fools mowing through whole sticks of the stuff, and we are going to have to talk about potential vitamin deficiencies, or something. But people have survived for HUNDREDS of years (maybe even thousands. My knowledge of the history of butter is a little lacking) drinking milk from the cow, eating butter, etc.